In life there are so many things that are essential to you. Education is one of those essential things that you need in your life to be successful. Most people believe that their education ends in high school but that isn’t the beginning. College is the most important part of your young life, and college will completely affect your way of life, like I see it does to my family members. Collage should be done after you graduate from high school because if you take time off you will end up becoming lazy and not continue school and look for an easier way to find a job. My family members that have attended college, which are mostly all of them, have had great success and have a great life that they owe to college. They have a nice house, multiple cars, and most importantly their lives are filled of happiness, and I want the same. Nowadays there are too many high school dropouts and people don’t go to college, and that’s one of the greatest mistakes you can make in your life. So I believe that everyone can, and should attend college.
Going to college can benefit you in so many ways. One Way College benefits you is that when you get a college degree, such as a bachelors degree or a masters degree, you have the choice to choose from so many different types of jobs. Going to college opens you up to a world of endless possibilities. You can be a lawyer, doctor, architect, engineer, scientist, banker, salesman, financial advisor, real estate agent, and the list never stops. This is something that everybody wants; I mean who doesn’t like options. Options mean everything to me, like when I want a candy I want to have the option to choose any candy that I want, whether it’s a starburst, snicker or sour patches, and I know you do too. Options are important, and college works the same way by giving you infinite job options.
People have a hard time living their lives due to money issues. Most of these people are those who didn’t finish college. If people were to go and finish college, you can get a better job with more salary/money. Statistics show that people who don’t go to college and only finish high school make a total of around 1.2 million dollars in their lifetime. On the other hand, people who go and finish college make 2.1 million dollars. As you can see that’s about double the amount. I mean who doesn’t prefer 2.1 million dollars over 1.2, because I know I do. Money is not the most important thing in your life, and money can’t buy everything, but having money can help you enjoy many things that you wouldn’t be able to enjoy if you didn’t have money, such as going traveling and seeing the world along with its beauty.
Right now we live in the present, and nowadays people don’t plan for the future. Going to college can help you have a better future. You may ask how, but it’s simple. Studies show that people who finish college have better job security than those who don’t. By going to college y ou can remain employed and have a nice future. This means that ten years down the road, a person that didn’t go to college is likely to lose their job. By going to college you can prevent that from happening.
Education can make your life easier. Education helps you succeed in life and it keeps your possibilities endless. Without college you are truly nothing and won’t get to enjoy everything that life has to offer. College helps you live your life the way that you want, and the way that you have always dreamed of. It’s simple, everybody should go to college. Are you going to help yourself make your dreams come true? I know I will, but the question is are you?
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