Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Journey On A Pirate Ship

It was a lovely day and I was sailing with my sister Diana and all we see is the sea and the sea animals floating around a beautiful ship. That day we were going to find treasure so we could spoil ourselves! As we were rolling in my ship I see a ship with a flag. It was black with crossbones and a skull. As it came near I see a tall guy and I notice it was pirate named Imran. He was a evil pirate who only thought of him self and he would kill to keep everything from the other pirates. So as he came near the ship he wanted to start war with us. So we gave him war and the way war began was by playing music and dancing and shooting. All of that happen and at the end Diana and me end up killing Imran and we kept all his stuff. He end up not being no match for us! Why because Diana and me were good dancers and were good shooters. Now we sit on our ship having no fear against that pirate because now his no where to fine!

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