Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Sweet thing About Sleeping

To me and to alot of people sleep is a very important. Its a big important health factor that everyone needs in their life. Sleep not only regenerates the brain but the human body as well. Sleep is a big part of the everyday life of everyone. Without sleep, no one would be full with energy ready to work or even walk. Without sleep many people are weak and tired causing them to be slow, and lazy. I know that during the week I never get enough sleep to be full with energy because of the crazy schedule I have during the week, but on weekends I take advantage to sleep in and catch up on my sleep to be full of energy at least on Monday. Not getting enough sleep distracts you from focusing on your work or whatever your daily goal is because you feel so tired that the only thing on your mind is wanting to get over this and going to bed to sleep for as long as you can. Sleep is very important in the health of one because sleep not only helps regenerate the body but helps the body lose a certain percent of weight.  Sleep is essential to everyone and skipping out on it does affect the body because the body does so much that it needs a break throughout the whole day so that the next day it can start all over with energy and continue doing it every day. Sleep is crucial to the health of everyone, and everyone needs it. 

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